
The content of advertisements in the DJPH shall not include information or suggestion, implicit or explicit, that would hinder the purpose of accurate information flow to the audience.

Advertisers shall:

  • Be reviewed for consistency in light of the DJPH’s values: health, equity, diversity, empowerment, integrity, dignity and knowledge for individuals and communities;
  • Clearly identify the responsible manufacturer or sponsor(s), and accurately describe the product or service being offered;
  • Comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the marketing and sale of the product or service (advertiser’s responsibility);
  • Contain adequate references for any statements and/or claims made in advertisements;

Acceptance of advertisers by the DJPH does not indicate and should not imply endorsement by the Journal or the Delaware Academy of Medicine / Delaware Public Health Association. The DJPH reserves the right to reject any advertisement deemed inaccurate, misleading, prejudicial, intolerant, irresponsible, unethical or which promotes products or services likely to the unhealthy, e.g., tobacco, firearms, alcohol and other hard drugs. The publisher of the DJPH shall make final decisions on acceptance of any advertisement.

This page has been adapted with permission from that of the American Journal of Public Health and/or the American Public Health Association.  The Delaware Academy of Medicine / Delaware Public Health Association is Delaware’s affiliate to the American Public Health Association.